I've a Poem/Win a Book
Poem of the Week: Seven of the Eight Parts of Speech
Poem of the Week: "Into the Fog"
Poem of the Week: "The Consolations," the Second Version
Poem of the Week: "The Consolations"
Poem of the Week: "Letter to Sonya, After Everything Came Apart"
1999. I was back in Madtown, watching baseball with my dad and reading a really lousy poem in a literary journal, a pen in my hand. The poem made me think of a friend of mine from grad school because I knew that she would have disliked the poem, too.
Poem of the Week: "Into America"
I wrote Into America as an assignment for David Wagoner's grad workshop at UW.
The assignment was to write a poem where every line ended with an "r"
sound. Going in, I didn't think that the assignment would produce a
poem that might end up in my book manuscript, but the only major change
I ever made to the poem was to break the lines so that every other line ended with an "r" sound.
Poem of the Week: "Something Like Enlightenment"
Poem of the Week: "Today"
Okay, I didn't get a chance to post a poem when I was in Las Vegas.
Sorry about that, but here's a poem that I'll be reading tomorrow
at a taping for a local PBS show coming out of Fresno. I'm not sure
when the show will be on, but I'll update once I do know.