Story of the Week: "If God Will Give Us License, part VII"
Story of the Week: "If God Will Give Us License, part VI"
Story of the Week: "If God Will Give Us License, part V"
Story of the Week: "If God Will Give Us License, part IV"
Story of the Week: "If God Will Give Us License, part III"
His wife wasn't talking, was standing a little bit behind him with her head down. She wore a long, faded, purple and burgundy long-sleeved dress, and she had a blue scarf tied around her head. Benjamin could see her sneakered feet under the gate. He was surprised that they weren't carrying a picture with them, but then he realized that they probably didn't have a picture of their child.
Story of the Week: "If God Will Give Us License, part II"
Story of the Week: "If God Will Give Us License, part I"
Okay, it's been a while. Here's the truth: I ran out of funny stories, and I don't want to be the cause of nation-wide depression and/or suicides. So, if you're really depressed, don't start to read this story because it's gonna get bleak as hell and I can't be there to talk you down from the overpass. If you're just having a bad day, you'll probably be all right. If you've got the blues, that's going to have to be a judgment call on your part. Just how blue are you?
Story of the Week: "Non-Paternity Event"
"Are you saying my mom is a skank?"
"It could be your grandmother."
"What?" Richard Wilson thought of his sweet grandma getting it on with somebody other than grandpa. "Chuck, I'm gonna be sick here."
"No. It's your mom. She's the skank."