I'm Hitting in Hong Kong

I know that I've been a little slow with the content lately, but it's been a bit hectic around here. In the works are posts about my Madison trip in February; the New York City NBCC trip in March; the failed Austin trip, also in March; and the Fresno reading with Brian Turner from last week. Hell, I've still got half-written posts about the two trips that I took in July of 2005, the one to Las Vegas, and one to Vancouver with ACWLP, my NYC NBCC plus-one and one of my best, best friends.

This, sadly, will not be new content, just an update of the list of libraries where my book can currently be found. Since the last version of this list, I've gotten into twenty-one more libraries, but I'm pretty sure that I won't be getting into very many more now that I've gone from being an NBCC nominee to being an NBCC loser. Okay, that got sad at the end. Sorry.

Here's the list:

Libraries Where You Can Find My Book

Alexandria Library Alexandria, VA  22304
Arizona State University Tempe, AZ  85287
Austin Public Library Austin, TX  78702
Bellarmine University Louisville, KY  40205
Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH  43403
Brigham Young University Library Provo, UT  84602
Brown University Providence, RI  02912
California State University, Fresno Fresno, CA  93740
California State University, Fullerton Fullerton, CA  92834
California University of Pennsylvania California, PA  15419
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA  15213
Chapman University, Leatherby Library Orange, CA  92866
Chinese University of Hong Kong Kowloon, Hong Kong
Clemson University Libraries Clemson, SC  29634
Colgate University Hamilton, NY  13346
Colorado State University Ft Collins, CO  80523
Columbia University Libraries New York, NY  10027
Columbus Metropolitan Library Columbus, OH  43218
Cornell University Ithaca, NY  14850
Dartmouth College Library Hanover, NH  03755
Emory University Atlanta, GA  30322
Flint Public Library Flint, MI  48502
Florida A&M University Tallahassee, FL  32307
Illinois State University Normal, IL  61761
Indiana University Bloomington, IN  47405
Iowa State University Ames, IA  50011
James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA  22807
Johns Hopkins University Libraries Baltimore, MD  21218
Kenyon College Library Gambier, OH  43022
Lewis & Clark College Portland, OR  97219
Library of Congress Washington, DC  20540
Long Island University Brooklyn, NY  11201
Merrimack Val Library Consor Andover, MA  01810
Miami University Libraries Oxford, OH  45056
Michigan State University Libraries E Lansing, MI  48824
New York Public Library New York, NY  10018
Noble, Inc Danvers, MA  01923
Northeastern University Boston, MA  02115
Ohio State University Columbus, OH  43210
Orange County Public Library Santa Ana, CA  92705
Princeton University Princeton, NJ  08544
Rice University, Fondren Library Houston, TX  77005
Saint Mary's University San Antonio, TX  78228
Sarah Lawrence College Bronxville, NY  10708
Seattle Public Library Seattle, WA  98104
Southern Methodist University, Central Dallas, TX  75275
Stanford University Library Stanford, CA  94305
SUNY at Buffalo Buffalo, NY  14260
SUNY, Binghamton Library Binghamton, NY  13901
Syracuse University Syracuse, NY  13244
Temple University Libraries Philadelphia, PA  19122
Texas A&M University College Station, TX  77843
Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX  79409
Tulane University New Orleans, LA  70118
UCLA Library Los Angeles, CA  90024
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL  35487
University of Arizona Tucson, AZ  85720
University of British Columbia Library Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z1
University of California Berkeley Berkeley, CA  94720
University of California, Davis, Shields Library Davis, CA  95616
University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA  92623
University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA  92093
University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA  93106
University of California, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA  95064
University of Cent Florida Orlando, FL  32816
University of Chicago Chicago, IL  60637
University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO  80309
University of Delaware Newark, DE  19717
University of Georgia Athens, GA  30606
University of Houston Houston, TX  77204
University of Illinois- Chicago Library Chicago, IL 60680
University of Iowa Library Iowa City, IA  52242
University of Kansas Lawrence, KS  66045
University of Louisville Louisville, KY  40292
University of Maryland, College Park College Park, MD  20742
University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst, MA  01003
University of Melbourne Parkville, Australia
University of Miami Coral Gables, FL  33124
University of Michigan Library Ann Arbor, MI  48109
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN  55455
University of Montana, Mansfield Library Missoula, MT  59812
University of N Carolina, Charlotte Charlotte, NC  28223
University of New Hampshire Durham, NH  03824
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM  87131
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC  27514
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA  15260
University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA  90089
University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN  37996
University of Texas at Pan America Edinburg, TX  78539
University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX  78285
University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT  84112
University of Virginia Libraries Charlottesville, VA  22904
University of Washington Libraries Seattle, WA  98195
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI  53211
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI  53706
Vanderbilt University Library Nashville, TN  37240
Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA  24062
Washington University St Louis, MO  63130
Wesleyan University Middletown, CT  06459
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI  49008
Wright State University Dayton, OH  45435
Yale University Library New Haven, CT  06520