The fiercest hearts are in love with a wild perfection. —Stanley Kunitz

How Are Memories Stored and Retrieved?

Packed into the kilogram or so of neural wetware between the ears is everything we know: a compendium of useful and trivial facts about the world, the history of our lives, plus every skill we've ever learned, from riding a bike to persuading a loved one to take out the trash. Memories make each of us unique, and they give continuity to our lives.

My Mind Is Blown

My book's on eBay. eBay? Why? I don't get it. Is somebody going to become interested in my book (which would be almost like a miracle) and then think I know, I'll look for it on eBay. The world makes absolutely no sense to me.

Classic Post of the Week: "A Suicidal Joke"

I'll do funny, I thought. Nobody, apparently, wants to read my depressing poetry (my book's sold, like two copies; it's embarrassing), but everybody wants to laugh.

A Road and a Song

There's a trumpet solo, then a flute solo, then the pianist takes a turn, and the car is going faster and faster.

I'd Rather Die

Bloomberg's on a diet. Yes to broccoli? No to hamburgers? He lives in New York City and he's off Chinese food? Mike, bro, you're mayor; eat whatever the hell you like.

Poem of the Week: "Into America"

I wrote Into America as an assignment for David Wagoner's grad workshop at UW. The assignment was to write a poem where every line ended with an "r" sound. Going in, I didn't think that the assignment would produce a poem that might end up in my book manuscript, but the only major change I ever made to the poem was to break the lines so that every other line ended with an "r" sound.

Story of the Week: "If God Will Give Us License, part I"

Okay, it's been a while. Here's the truth: I ran out of funny stories, and I don't want to be the cause of nation-wide depression and/or suicides. So, if you're really depressed, don't start to read this story because it's gonna get bleak as hell and I can't be there to talk you down from the overpass. If you're just having a bad day, you'll probably be all right. If you've got the blues, that's going to have to be a judgment call on your part. Just how blue are you?

Let the Man Go Through: The Mad-City No-Limit Poker Invitational, Version 2.0, Report

And, I’m not gonna lie, I knew that I was in the middle of producing something really beautiful pretty much as soon as I began the cussathon. I was locked in, feeling the flow, and I wasn’t going to stop until the job was done. It went for almost two minutes, and it was probably the best writing that I have ever done, and, sadly, it’s lost to history.

Metal Lesson

Do you dig the rock and roll?

Who's Loving Your Mama?

Nobody loves you like your mama loves you.
But who's loving your mama?
I am. I am.
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