The fiercest hearts are in love with a wild perfection. —Stanley Kunitz

God, I Miss College

This thing is so funny.

I Could Have Done Without the Visual

I’m going on the theory that hearing is overrated and that, one day, somebody will invent replacement eardrums; they’ll probably have them at Costco.

Bush in the Bubble

Bush may be the most isolated president in modern history, at least since the late-stage Richard Nixon.

One Night To Be Confused

I bought this song off of iTunes yesterday, and in the first twenty-six hours that I've owned it, I’ve played it thirty-nine times. I don’t think that I’ll ever get tired of it.

Arthur Rimbaud

What will become of the world when you leave? No matter what happens,

no trace of you now will remain.
—Arthur Rimbaud

Albert Camus

There always comes a time when one must choose between contemplation

and action. This is called becoming a man.—Albert Camus 

Four Songs About Heartbreak

Maybe you're driving by a beautiful orange orchard, and it somehow makes you wistful. Maybe it’s late and you're the only car on a rarely used country road and it’s starting to rain and the melancholia that seems to follow you everywhere is making itself manifest.

Larry Levis

I may not believe in the myth of the Fall, but it is still possible for

me to feel fallen.—Larry Levis, "The Gazer Within" 

Larry Levis

Time swarms around me with its presences.—Larry Levis 

The Beatdown/The Barbecue/Let It Bleed/Yard Fights: A Three-in-One Poker Report

Now, I don’t love anything in this world except three things: corduroy pants, existential despair, and barbecue.
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