The Grand Total: 2005

Do you like making little charts and then inputting data? Yeah, neither do I. However, I do like keeping track of how I’m doing for the year. For a while there, it looked as if I were on the way to a truly spectacular year, poker-wise. If I had kept up my January pace, I was in line to make a little over $4,500 for the year, but, life, as we all know, is a brutal series of letdowns and disappointments. February was a little worse, but I was still looking at clearing $4,100. March sucked, April truly sucked. May, even though I lost for the month, was actually an improvement, but then June was brutal. July was actually okay, so was August, September was a nice turn-around, but then October was bad. November was really bad, but then December was just a nightmare. The year-end total ended up being only $810.75, which was not nearly enough for this killer-ass tattoo that I had had my eye on.

Looking at the numbers, there’s a chance that I've got it turned around, at least a little bit. The final year-end win-to-loss ratio is thirty-three to twenty-six, with one even night. For the last ten games of the year, I was 4-6, and I managed to lose $171 during that stretch. I had hoped to clear a grand (In my barrio, we called a grand a "g.") for the year, but I didn't come close, though I was twice within twelve dollars. Oh, yeah: look at 26 March 2005 and then at 28 December 2005. In a little over nine months, and after countless hours spent playing poker (seriously, I'm wasting my life), I managed to win a whopping $68, which works out to $7.55 a month. That's pretty funny.

Date:       Game Total:      YTD Total:      Overall Record:

6 January 2005    +97    +97    1-0
7 January 2005    -10    +87    1-1
14 January 2005     +163    +250    2-1
17 January 2005    +75    +325    3-1
22 January 2005    -43    +282    3-2
29January 2005    +103.50    +385.50    4-2
7 February 2005    +.50    +386    5-2
11 February 2005    +120.75    +506.75    6-2
18 February 2005    -1.25    +505.50    6-3
20 February 2005    +23    +528.50    7-3
25 February 2005    +155.50    +684    8-3
4 March 2005    -22.25    +661.75    8-4
11 March 2005    +78.75    +740.50    9-4
18 March 2005    +8    +748.50    10-4
26 March 2005    -6.25    +742.25    10-5
1 April 2005    -52    +690.25    10-6
8 April 2005    -76.50    +613.75    10-7
15 April 2005    +27.50    +641.25    11-7
23 April 2005    +15.75    +657.00    12-7
29 April 2005    +10    +667.00    13-7
2 May 2005    +10    +677    14-7
3 May 2005    -17    +660    14-8
6 May 2005    -25    +635    14-9
13 May 2005    +39.75    +674.75    15-9
15 May 2005    -11.75    +663    15-10
20 May 2005    -21.50    +641.50    15-11
27 May 2005    +1.50    +643.00    16-11
30 May 2005    -33.25    +609.75    16-12
3 June 2005    -5.50    +604.25    16-13
10 June 2005    +9.00    +613.25    17-13
18 June 2005    -145.50    +467.75    17-14
24 June 2005    +10.50    +478.25    18-14
1 July 2005    -2.75    +475.50    18-15
2 July 2005    -27.50    +448.00    18-16
8 July 2005    +64.25    +512.25    19-16
29 July 2005    +50.25    +562.50    20-16
31 July 2005    +7.25    +569.75    21-16
13 August 2005    -20.75    +549.00    21-17
19 August 2005    +69.50    +618.50    22-17
26 August 2005    +77.50    +696.00    23-17
2 September 2005    +0.00    +696.00    23-17-1
9 September 2005    +14.50    +710.50    24-17-1
16 September 2005    +46.25    +756.75    25-17-1
23 September 2005    +77.25    +834.00    26-17-1
30 September 2005    +84.50    +918.50    27-17-1
7 October 2005    -42.00    +876.50    27-18-1
14 October 2005    -6.00    +870.50    27-19-1
21 October 2005    -33.50    +837.00    27-20-1
28 October 2005    +129.00    +966.00    28-20-1
4 November 2005    +22.75    +988.75    29-20-1
10 November 2005    -7.50    +981.25    29-21-1
12 November 2005    -4.50    +976.75    29-22-1
18 November 2005    +15.50    +992.25    30-22-1
23 November 2005    -113.50    +878.75    30-23-1
25 November 2005    -31.50    +847.25    30-24-1
2 December 2005    +22.75    +870.00    31-24-1
9 December 2005    +98.75    +968.75    32-24-1
16 December 2005    -181.50    +787.25    32-25-1
22 December 2005    +91.50    +878.75    33-25-1
28 December 2005    -68.50    +810.25    33-26-1