Resistance Is Futile
Two Reviews:
I am "eloquent."
El Paso Times: I "deliver the pain."
The Onion: I got into it when I lived in Madcity.
Artcyclopedia: Who knew there were so many museums out there?
Art Museums Collecting Photography: Who knew there were so many photography collections out there? It's incredible
Other Stuff:
CSU, Fresno: They make poets. It’s pretty incredible. From my beginning poetry workshop, there are three of us who ended up with books. Can you name another program that can match that? Exactly. Look for my name on their site; it'll be fun.
The DNC: Republicans give me the heebie jeebies
Fresno Poets' Association: I'm a Fresno poet, and these are my people.
Poetry Daily: A long time ago, they mentioned my book.
University of Washington: I didn’t really dig it, but others have. They did give me a lot of green, and I did learn a lot. And I loved every minute that I spent in Rick's and Heather's and David's classes. I’m ambivalent, is what I’m saying.
VR Seattle: I can't believe how much I miss Seattle.
Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing: They saved my writerly life. Seriously.
Great thanks to Carnegie Mellon University Press, my publisher.