My Core Beliefs
You might want to know about me if you're going to be reading my website. Not the important stuff, like my favorite color (it’s black, like my dead heart) or my favorite food (anything that can be deep fried, allowed to cool on a bed of paper towels, and then deep
What Is Up With Costco?
I refuse to shop there again until I am out of Pepsi, or am in desperate need of pants.
Wherever I Have Been and Gone: Sacramento Post-Reading Report
I wanted to express to him what he could do with his insights into my
performance (that expression involving several of my favorite words,
along with some vigorous and graphic hand gestures), but I decided that
since we were in a high-culture atmosphere that I shouldn’t go ghetto on him.
What the Fuck Is Wrong With These People?
Under the command of President Bush's two senior political advisers,
the White House rolled out a plan this weekend to contain the political
damage from the administration's response to Hurricane Katrina.
Bush Fails Again
Far from deferring to state or local officials, FEMA asserted its
authority to make things worse, said Aaron Broussard, the president of
Jefferson Parish, south of New Orleans. When Wal-Mart sent three
trailer trucks loaded with water, FEMA officials turned them away, he
said. Agency workers prevented the Coast Guard from delivering 1,000
gallons of diesel fuel, and on Saturday they cut the parish's emergency
communications line, leading the sheriff to restore it and post armed
guards to protect it from FEMA, Mr. Broussard said.
I Was So Much Younger Then
I was walking around Stanley Park, talking with my homegirl about
everything. Then she asks me, apropos of nothing, if I’d ever been in a
fight. Es is cool, but she’s a private schooler/Ivy Leaguer, and I
doubt that she’s ever slugged it out with anybody, so maybe she wanted
to live vicariously through her friend who grew up in the barrio.
The Soft Revolution
This wasn't just a song being sung, but a story being told, full of
specific, writerly details. Early on the narrator brings the girl a
gift of a flowerlike herb called goldenrod, placing the season as late
summer. By early spring, she succumbs to the cancer that's invaded her
bones, and on the day she dies, a cardinal crashes into her hospital
Two Illegal Immigrants Win Arizona Ranch in Court
Just a few months ago, this ranch was known as Camp Thunderbird, the
headquarters of a paramilitary group that promised to use force to keep
illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border with Mexico. Now, in
a turnabout, the 70-acre property about two miles from the border is
being given to two immigrants whom the group caught trying to enter the
United States illegally.
The Past Is Coming Through in Waves
I’m worried that if I start with the reflection
that I’ll trap myself in the past when the past is past and it is the
future that I need to get through. Why start with the nostalgia so soon
after the events for which I will probably become too nostalgic?