The fiercest hearts are in love with a wild perfection. —Stanley Kunitz


The soul of another is wrapped in darkness.

Ivy Compton-Burnett

As regards plots I find real life no help at all. Real life seems to
have no plots. And as I think plots desirable and almost necessary, I
have this extra grudge against life.

Montgomery "Monty" Burns

Push out the jive,
bring in the love.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Love demands everything, and that very justly.


Behind every great fortune lies a crime.

Marcus Aurelius

In a man's life,
his time is but a moment, his being a mere flux,
his senses a dim glimpse, his body food for the worms,
and his soul a restless eddy…
the things of the body pass like a flowing stream;
life is a brief sojourn;
and one's mark in this world
is soon forgotten.

A Straight Flush That Doesn't Pay Off

The classic/smart play is to check it and try to represent that I'm on a draw. Fifth street comes and somebody bets, I come over the top, and I get paid off nicely. Of course, I get greedy, like a dumb bastard, and I make the max bet, two dollars, and everybody folds. No fifth street and no fifth street betting. 


Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.

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