The fiercest hearts are in love with a wild perfection.
—Stanley Kunitz
There Is a Review, and It Is Good
I started this site to whore my book.
Books Fail Me Yet Again
It’s pretty clear: all my fancy poker learnin’ isn’t doing it anymore. No matter what techniques and strategies I use, I’m not winning the big pots like I used to. It’s time to put the books away. New poker strategy? Get them drunk.
A Book From Brooklyn
I'm down with small presses and I'm really down with Brooklyn.
Screw Los Angeles
Okay, I finally figured it out, how to not have California be such a
significant part of the West Coast Museum Tour: screw Los Angeles.
The Pimp Hand is Strong
Last night, Burt kept his pimp hand strong, and he kept us in check the
entire game. Every time one of us got uppity, he put the smack down with a
Yet More Photographs
Dig it: I finished captioning most of the photographs that I uploaded
yesterday, and I just uploaded lots more. There are now 129 images
sorted into six albums in the Photography section of my website. Get
going; the images aren't going to look at themselves.
New Photographs, For Your Viewing Pleasure
Check it out: I've just added a bunch of images to the Photography section of my website. They're not captioned yet, but I've got to head out to my weekly poker game. The photographs should be captioned by Monday, though, if you want to wait until then.
Be cool, beautiful people.
A Few Days in Las Vegas
I play poker at the Excalibur.
Look for me; I'll be the one with death in his eyes.
I Never Learn
He showboats when he's got a winning hand, waiting until somebody else thinks he's won and is about to reach for the chips, or is even reaching for the chips, before he turns over his cards, which is about the biggest dick move that you can make at a poker table.