Blas Manuel's blog
How U.S. Fell Under the Spell of 'Curveball'
The German intelligence officials responsible for one of the most
important informants on Saddam Hussein's suspected weapons of mass
destruction say that the Bush administration and the CIA repeatedly
exaggerated his claims during the run-up to the war in Iraq.
The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend
My big bro has two master’s degrees. He holds a black belt in kenju.
He’s bad-ass at his job. He’s got tons of green and property. Yeah, of
course I’m proud. But what really makes me proud? How goddamn good he
is at poker.
Dead Money/ Cocktails!/Time for Some Action: A Three-in-One Poker Report
But then the cards stopped coming. I’m not talking about premium
starter hands; I’m not talking about decent hands; I’m not even talking
about barely marginal hands. Nothing. I was catching nothing.
You Have Got to Be Kidding
An evangelical radio ministry has developed a book kit meant to help soldiers protect their sexual purity.
John Boy, When We Were Young
I remembered how we would drive around in his parents’ Astro Van, going
really fast while John Boy steered with his teeth. Looking back, it was
probably a pretty idiotic thing to do, and dangerous as hell, but we
both thought that it was hilarious at the time.
Exception Sought in Detainee Abuse Ban
The White House is insisting that the Central Intelligence Agency be
exempted from a proposed ban on abusive treatment of suspected Qaeda
militants and other terrorists.
My Core Beliefs
You might want to know about me if you're going to be reading my website. Not the important stuff, like my favorite color (it’s black, like my dead heart) or my favorite food (anything that can be deep fried, allowed to cool on a bed of paper towels, and then deep
Baby, Better Come Back, Maybe Next Week
These four songs sound great and they sound really great together but
they’re going to sound even greater when winter comes around, when it’s
cold and gray and dusk comes early and you're driving way too fast and
thinking about all that’s flown away from you.
Terror/A Technical Discussion/A Tender Moment/Dancing Monkeys/It Goes Sideways/It Goes Downhill: A Four-for-One Poker Report
It’s bound to happen. A thing that’s really great can all of a sudden
go south. That thing is the Friday-night poker game, though I hope it
is only temporary.
What Is Up With Costco?
I refuse to shop there again until I am out of Pepsi, or am in desperate need of pants.